19 May 2014

My Inner Goddess is a Healer, Teacher and Wise Woman Speaking the Language of Soul!


 “Intuition is seeing with the soul.” Dean Koontz 

How often do we truly listen to our intuition and follow her wise advice? I think that I do, but after something traumatic happens, I regretfully realize, I ignored her. But why ? Is it a trust issue? Or, just a lack of properly paying attention? Perhaps. But I think for me, it's more an attitude of "I'll do it my way, thank you!" How foolish and childish this is. Especially since I know that my intuition is the divine essence of my soul trying to communicate with me!

My inner voice of wisdom was speaking loud, and clearly the day I 'hurt' my back. Had I listened to my knowing, instead of my ego/mind, I would have graciously left my yoga class and came home to care for myself. Hindsight is always bright with clarity; is it not? Thankfully, I eventually discover the gift in every situation, even when I won't accept it at the time it is given. 

Now, I see this experience as the voice of the Goddess. She was saying: "Darling, since you haven't heeded my suggestions to stop and truly listen to me and to your own precious body, and, since you also have long refused my invitations to allow yourself a vacation, I'm confining you to a week of bed rest... And, I will not hear another word about it!"

After a week spent quietly in bed, I felt so much better; calmer, more peaceful. I felt restored on levels that I have long neglected. Since, I don't have electronics in my bedroom, I truly was forced to LISTEN: to my body, to the sounds of nature (birds, wind, and oh, the wind chimes), to my sighs, heartbeat, and breathing, to the messages of my dreams, and to my own wandering thoughts. Slowly I misplaced the all so important idea that my work is indispensable... and, when I found it again, I understood fully that 'yes, it's important, but so are my body and spirit'! 

The days of extra sleep and meditation cleared my mind of worry, pain, fear and stress, and worked absolute wonders for my creativity and perception. My sense of balance has also been restored, along with my awareness that self care is utterly vital.

Learning to pay attention to how your body feels can offer you rich guidance about your choices and direction in life. ― Lynn A. Robinson, Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity

17 May 2014  Journal Entry:

Though I haven't really exercised, other than some very gentle stretches, during the last couple of weeks, I did spend time pampering and caring for my body in other ways which restored my vitality, radiance and health. I feel so blessed and happy. Sometimes, it feels like the LOVE I have for others is finally being showered upon me, as well. 

May we all find this place of bliss and dance with its peaceful flow! May we all begin a daily practice of self love and self care that truly reconnects us: mind, body and soul, and there after, ripples out to others.

We will be in tune with our bodies only if we truly love and honor them. We can’t be in good communication with the enemy.” ~ Harriet Lerner, PhD

How to Love & Care For Your Body When It Hurts:

1. Listen. What is the message in the pain? Acknowledge its wisdom.
2. Sing or Speak Blessings Over It. {You instinctively know how to do this}
3. Give a Gentle Touch. Lovingly caress or massage or hug your body.
4. Run your Fingers through Your Hair or Press Your Scalp. (Use both hands!)
5. Soothe Your Eyes. Place the palms of your hands over your closed eyes.
6. Breathe. Softly, slowly, deeply inhale and exhale in a gentle rhythm.
7. Relax. Allow every muscle to release stress, tension; simply let go...
8. Trust. Know that your body is capable of healing itself. Welcome it to. 
9. Stretch. Give space for your body to reach beyond its limitations.

by Leesa Wilson

19 May 2014  Journal Entry:

I practiced yoga today, for the first time in weeks! It felt so good, but I was very careful to move in a slow and gentle way, so as not to aggravate or stress my lower back, again. I hope to be able to flow more during Wednesday's class.

Blissful timelessness.

I sat in meditation for 20 minutes shortly after returning home from yoga. The house was so quiet; it felt peaceful to sit in the sunlight and close my eyes to everything but my breath. I was humbly amazed to be able to hold space without thought for long, long moments. I wonder if this is my first experience of no thought? The sound of the wind chimes helped me to open my mind, and release the 'chatter'. A deep sense of serenity poured in where my thoughts had been. I experienced this as pure bliss! 

How lovely it would be to reside willfully in this space. I am inspired to continue the sacred practice of meditation, as a daily ritual. Maybe, someday, I will be able to remain in the place of soul breath for an hour or longer...

“This withdrawal from the day's turmoil into creative silence is not a luxury, a fad, or a futility. It is a necessity, because it tries to provide the conditions wherein we are able to yield ourselves to intuitive leadings, promptings, warnings, teachings, and counsels and also to the inspiring peace of the soul. It dissolves mental tensions and heals negative emotions.” ― Paul BruntonThe Notebooks of Paul Brunton

Listen to: The Soothing Sound of Wind Chimes 

”Health is the result of relinquishing all attempts to use the body lovelessly.” 
From A Course In Miracles, Foundation For Inner Peace

How beloved my body is becoming to me... How precious and beyond worthy of my love she is! As this journey unfolds, I wonder how I ever became so severed from her spirit, her voice, her needs and wisdom... Throughout my life, I now recall, she has been my dearest companion.

Goddess, please continue to enlighten me. You, divine source of spirit 
who has endeavored to heal, teach and speak the wisdom of my soul.
I praise you in gratitude and devotion ~

I Embody the Goddess!

photo credit:

Listening by mynameisharsha

Rest by Brigetta Margarrietta
Woman practicing yoga by iStock

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