16 May 2016

Embracing Freedom

Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If in our heart, we still cling to anything anger, anxiety, or possessions we cannot be free.
          Thich Nhat Hanh

During my long absence from sharing the ways I Embody the Goddess, I struggled with the desire to be free from a self-imposed, seven year imprisonment. Daily, I prayed for freedom and begged the Goddess to please help me let go of everything that holds me down, that silences my voice, that hurts my spirit and keeps me from living my life authentically

Suddenly, one evening, everything that I had been working so diligently on for years, was about to be stolen from me...  I clung desperately to my creative work, while releasing everything else. This was the key that unlocked the door to my new life. Unexpectedly, but willingly, I took a huge leap of faith and just let go. In that moment, everything shifted! My prayer was answered. Though it did not happen the way I had imagined it would, I was presented with the opportunity to let go without undue fear.

bravely let go of home, relationship, security, a false sense of stability, and heavy emotions which had kept me enslaved for years. In essence, I let go of the way I had been thinking and living my life. It was the change I both desired and feared. And, miraculously, the actual act of letting go restored my sense of self, my inner power. It set me free...

I have been embracing freedom for almost a year, now. With an ever unfolding and growing awareness, I come closer and closer to being truly free.... and happy.

Yet, when I think of being happy, I realize that I am most happy when I first awaken, while sharing with others, when self-nurturing, and when I am alone with Mother nature. This realization shows me that my happiness truly has nothing to do with things, but rather, with gratitude, love, compassion and a deep and holy connection with mystery, wisdom and beauty.

There is love in holding... and there is love in letting go. 
Elizabeth Berg
Though I am constantly learning what it requires to live free... I seem to be making good progress letting go of unhealthy emotions, past hurts, and current fears of the unknown....  But still, I cling to excess weight and too many possessions.


I am not sure, except to say that my things hold precious memories, reminding me of what was once important, lest I forget or be forgotten. And, perhaps, my body in its kindness, holds on to all the emotions which somewhere along the way became far too heavy for me to consciously carry around. 

When I think of all that my body and possessions hold, I thank them, but at the same time I realize, it is no longer unnecessary for them to continue to do so. I have a sound mind. I do not forget what is dear to me. The time has come. I simply must LET GO of the attachment to what was, and to what may or may not be; for truly, they no longer have anything to do with this moment NOW. And this moment, now, holds a promise and a message: You will BE FREE, if you can simply LET GO!

11 May 2016  Journal Entry:

I constantly hold on to the desire to be free and happy despite the many challenges and changes I have faced and experienced during the last year.

I rejoice. I am finally free of the confusion, heart ache and fear that once tied me to the past. I am truly happy most every moment... So why am I so disorganized, scattered, heavy, tired and unable to see my goals and dreams to fruition? 

This is entanglement, not freedom. It cannot go on. I simply cannot keep holding on to things I never utilize simply because I may need them some day. This fearful way of thinking is the sick mentality of someone who believes in lack, loss and poverty. I do not!

Yet, since moving to the mountains (with the intention to empower myself to live authentically; free of the needless drama, violence, and tears that had taken over a large portion of my existence)... I have been stuck, burdened, and overwhelmed with too much stuff, too much weight. Perhaps there is a connection between the two?

I question my motives, my fears, and my desires in regards to what I hold on to... and why. Every answer reveals the same truth. This is old energy. It is simply a holding pattern. I can break it if I choose.


By first organizing my thoughts, then letting go of any and every thing that does not belong or no longer servers my highest good.

Note to Self: Make a Plan, Then, Take Action.

Make a list of everything that requires organization throughout my home; including office, closets, drawers and shelves (do not forget under the bed)! Set aside an hour or two each day to go through and sort everything, ruthlessly deciding what stays and what goes.  Goddess help me, I will not dare to stop there...

With this in mind, I will focus my time, attention and energy on releasing everything that I do not absolutely adore, use or need. All else, I will give away, sell and recycle.

This is a good and needful step on my path of beauty. Just the thought of accomplishing this task frees my mind. I can hardly wait to have a neatly organized home, work space and life.

If I can let go of my overflow, I will no longer be stuck... I will be able to free FLOW. Intuitively, I know then, that all my excess weight will just fall away, because I will not be holding on to what no longer serves me on any level. I will be free.

Now, I ask you:
What will you be brave enough to let go of, today?

Thank you Goddess, for hearing my heart cry and for setting me free. Thank you for always being a source of strength, encouragement and divine guidance.
With love, your daughter.

I Embody the Goddess!

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